Steering Committee:
Director: Raffaele Marino, CNRS/École Centrale de Lyon, FR
Deputy: Arakel Petrosyan, Russian Academy of Sciences, RU
Roberto Bruno, IAPS/INAF, IT
Jorge Louis Chau, Leibniz Institute for Atmospheric Physics, DE
Leonardo Primavera, Univ. of Calabria, IT
SIG35 and SIG50 Workshop Workshop website: Organizing Committee Members: Raffaele Marino – Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique – CNRS, École Centrale de Lyon (FR) Emmanuel Lévêque – Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et
12 May 2025ERCOFTAC Workshop ASTROFLU VI 23rd - 24th May 2024 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (near Lyon, France) Coordinators: Prof. Claude Cambon Organisers: PC Henri Bénard , SIG35, SIG14 , SIG50 / LMFA Aim: The aim of our new ASTROFLU VI workshop is to once again gather, mainly in
23 May 2024ERCOFTAC Workshop Turbulent Energy Transfer in Space Plasmas 29th - 31st August 2023 Ecole Centrale de Lyon in Écully - France Description: The 99% of the visible universe is made of plasma, a gas of charged particles known as the "fourth
29 Aug 2023ERCOFTAC SIG35, SIG42, SIG50, SIG14, PC Henri Benard Modal Projection, Stochastic And Subgrid-Scale Modelling On Turbulent Flows Projection modale et modèles stochastiques pour les écoulements turbulents 22nd - 23rd May 2023 The CIRM, Luminy, near Marseille, France Preliminary programme
22 May 2023ERCOFTAC Workshop ASTROFLU V 7th - 8th December 2021 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, amphi 203 Ecully (near Lyon, France) Coordinators: Prof. Claude Cambon and Prof. Tomas Bodnar Organisers: PC Henri Bénard , SIG35, SIG14 , SIG50 / LMFA Local scientific and organising committee
7 Dec 2021Workshop "Turbulent Energy Transfer in Space Plasmas" organised by SIG50 with the support of SIG35 and Henri Bénard pilot centre took place on the 27th - 29th August 2023 at the École Centrale de Lyon, Écully, France. Local Organizing Committee: R. Marino (chair), E. Lévêque (chair), R. Foldes, H.
20 Mar 2024In 1985 a group of leading European Fluid Mechanics experts started to discuss steps for initiating strong interaction and cooperation between Research and Industry in Europe. Initially their idea was to create a European Research and SuperComputer Centre, but they found that this was not
2 Nov 2018