Bulletin 22

Large Eddy Simulations

Introduction to Large Eddy-Simulation
M. Lesieur

Structure-Function-Based Models for Compressible Transitional Shear Flows P. Comte

Dynamic Models
M. Germano

LES of Pipe Flow
R. Friedrich and F.T.M. Nieuwstadt

Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow through Straight & Curved Ducts
M. Breuer and W. Rodi

L.E.S. of Bypass Transition
P.R. Voke

Numerical Simulation of the Generation of Turbulence by Breaking Internal Gravity Waves
A. Dörnbrack, T. Gerz and U. Schumann

LES of Rotating and Stratified Flows
O. Métais, B. Fallon and D. Grand

Stochastic Backscatter in Large-Eddy Simulation
P.J. Mason and D.J. Thomson


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