Bulletin 16

Environmental Flows

Atmospheric Boundary Layer Simulations with the Transient Turbulence and the Exchange Coefficient Methods: A Comparison
J. Cuxart and P. Bougeault

Large Eddy Simulations of Atmospheric Flows
J.-P. Chollet

Large Eddy Simulations of Atmospheric Boundary Layers over Heated and Wavy Surfaces
U. Schumann

Large-Eddy Simulation of plume Dispersion. A Comparison of Numerical Techniques
F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and M. Pourquie

Three-Dimensional Modelling of Dense Gas Dispersion
S. Andronopoulos, J.G. Bartzis and J. Statharas

Pollutant Dispersion in th Urban Atmosphere: Simulation of Turbulent Flows usnig a k-e Model
P.G. Mestayer, J.F. Sini, C. Rey, S. Anquetin, S.M. Badri Kusuma and D. Lakehal

Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Catalytic Converters at FIAT Research Centre
A. Massobrio

Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Meteorology from Visualisation Numerically and Experimentally Generated Data
J.C.R. Hunt


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