Name: Prof. Franco Rispoli / Domenico Borello
Institution: Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy, Dipartimento Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale
Managing Board: Prof. Andrea Arnone
Scientific Programme Committee: Prof. Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Prof. Domenico Borello, Prof. Vincenzo Armenio
Institution: Dipartimento Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, ‘Sapienza’ Universita di Roma, Italy
Name: Prof. Franco Rispoli, Prof. Domenico Borello
Institution: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, Università Di Pisa
Name: Prof. Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Institution: Department of Energetics, University of Florence
Name: Prof. Andrea Arnone
Institution: Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano
Name: Prof. Fabio Inzoli
Institution: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento
Name: Prof. Antonio Ficarella
Institution: Universita di Genova, Italy
Name: Prof Alessandro Nilberto
Institution: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Name: Dr Andrea Cimarelli
Institution: Esteco s.r.l.
Name: Dr Carlo Poloni
Institution: CNR-INSEAN, The Italian Ship Model Basin
Name: Alessandro Iafrati
Best Practice Guidance Course CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows 2021 w ith Problem Shooting Session 4th - 5th October 2021 ERCOFTAC PC Italy : Sapienza Università di Roma Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineerin
4 Oct 2021ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival 2020 modified due to Covid-19 will be held as an online event only !!! Friday, 9th October 2020, 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00 ( Brussels Time) It will simply involve Scientific Programme Committee, Knowledge Network Committee and Managing Board Meetings.
9 Oct 2020ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidelines Course CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows 2020 with Problem Shooting Session POSTPONED until 2021 !!! 5th - 6th October 2020 hosted by ERCOFTAC PC Italy (prior to the ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival ) Sapienza Università di Roma, Faculty of
5 Oct 2020Best Practice Guidance Seminar CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows 2019 With Problem Shooting Session - Brazil DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION NOW EXTENDED TO 30th APRIL 17-18. May 2019, ERCOFTAC PC Brazil, Hotel Windsor Barra, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (prior to ICMF 2019) TO
17 May 201915-16 April 2019, the von Karman Ins titute, Brussels ERCOFTAC are pleased to invite you to the ERCOFTAC Spring Festival 2019 will be held in Brussels hosted by The von Karman Institute, from 15 to 16 April 2019. Numeca, Cenaero, ULg and the von Karman Institute are happy and proud to sponsor
17 Apr 2019Call for Nominations: 1st ERCOFTAC Milton Van Dyke Flow Visualization Competition 2025 Inspired by the legendary “Album of Fluid Motion” by Prof. Van Dyke (Stanford University), ERCOFTAC will award from 2025 onward the Milton Van Dyke prize for the most inspiring, thought-provoking or simply most
17 Jan 2025Call for Nominations: 18th ERCOFTAC da Vinci Competition - 15 July 2023 - Deadline for submission of nominations: PC coordinators send the selected 3 research summaries (PDF) to the SPC Chairman: The ERCOFTAC da Vinci Prize for young researchers is awarded
12 Jun 2023Spotlight on the women in ERCOFTAC - Prof. Maria Vittoria Salvetti: “CFD is not for women (or men) who like an easy life” Today we are highlighting the work of Maria Vittoria Salvetti , a leading figure in CFD, a full professor of Fluid Dynamics at the University of Pisa and Director of
27 Jun 2022Call for Nominations: 15th ERCOFTAC da Vinci Competition 15th July 2020 Deadline for submission of nominations !!! The ERCOFTAC da Vinci Prize for young researchers is awarded annually in recognition of an excellent PhD thesis in theoretical and applied fluid dynamics and outstanding
18 Jun 2020In 1985 a group of leading European Fluid Mechanics experts started to discuss steps for initiating strong interaction and cooperation between Research and Industry in Europe. Initially their idea was to create a European Research and SuperComputer Centre, but they found that this was not
2 Nov 2018