Friday, 9th July 2021 via Zoom
The following Early Career Researchers have been invited to present at the 2021 Osborne Reynolds Day
on Friday, 9th July 2021:
- Miguel A. Quetzeri - Santiago: Droplet impact and contact angle dynamics solid surfaces and textiles;
- C. Ricardo Constante - Amores: Three-dimensional computational Fluid dynamics simulations of complex multiphase Flows with surfactants;
- Patrick Doohan: Coherent Structures in High-Reynolds Number Wall-Bounded Turbulence: Invariant Solutions and Scale Interaction;
- Rishav Agrawal: Intermittencies in transitional and turbulent channel Flow;
- Takshak Shende: Flow of a shear thinning and shear thickening fluid in a porous medium
- Christopher P. Stafford: Modelling of Inertial Particle Pair Dynamics using the PDF Kinetic Approach