Organisers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank-Hendrik Wurm, Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Torner, Institute of Turbomachinery, University of Rostock, Germany
New Important Dates:
31st July 2022: Submission of abstracts closes
8th August 2022: Notification of abstracts decisions
Fee Structure:
1st July 2022: The Early Bird Fee - 150 €
Attendees fee - 180 €
ERCOFTAC members discount fee - 150 €
After the workshop all attendees will get access to the presented and created scientific results.
Research on flow-induced blood damage in rotating systems is a main subject of the Institute of Turbomachinery (ITU) at the University of Rostock. To enhance international innovation, we invite the community of »Biomedical Fluid Mechanics« in a workshop, in order to discuss current research about flow-induced blood damage in blood-flowing, rotating systems, especially in blood pumps and ventricular assist devices.
The first edition of the workshop in 2019 was very well received and it was collectively requested and decided that we should host the workshop again. We received a lot of feedback from participants three years ago and we will try to realize it as good as possible in order to further improve the experience and the exchange of knowledge. The attendee and speaker list from the first edition consisted of people from all over Europe (Germany, UK, Italy, Austria and Switzerland). Also, some members of the SIG37 have already participated in the workshop 2019, as Prof. Hendrik Wurm, Ben Torner and Lucas Konnigk from the Institute of Turbomachinery, University of Rostock, and Lutz Pauli, who is a research associate of Prof. Marek Behr, CATS, RWTH Aachen.
One highlight of the workshop three years ago was a presentation of the leading speaker: Dr. Katharine Fraser from the University of Barth, UK, who is a luminary in the field of numerical blood damage assessment in blood pumps. For this year’s workshop, it is planned to invite Dr. Fraser as leading speaker again and also further leading researchers in the field of »flow-induced blood damage in rotating systems« like Prof. Ulrich Kertzscher from the Charité Berlin, Germany or Dr. Filippo Consolo from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Furthermore, attendees from industry (Magenta Medical Ltd., Berlin Heart GmbH, Industrial Science GmbH) participated in the workshop and presentations from industry, as from Berlin Heart GmbH or Industrial Science GmbH, were included in the program of 2019. In this presentations, relevant topics for the industry, like the challenges of blood damage prediction in industrial research, were discussed (Adrian Wisniewski). For this year’s program, it is planned to invite further speakers from industry (e.g. ReinHeart GmbH, enmodes GmbH, ReinVAD GmbH) in order to enhance the exchange between academia and industry during the workshop. One idea to do this are »round table« sessions, where relevant problems will be discussed in mixed groups of researchers from industry and university, and afterwards possible solutions will be presented during the workshop.
A special feature of the two-day workshop is that it is exclusively specialized on the topic of »flow-induced blood damage in rotating systems«. This topic is often limited to one session with just four presentations at classical conferences (ESAO/ASAIO). Therefore, one main reasons for organizing the workshop was to realize a free, long-lasting and open exchange of knowledge and problems regarding research in »flow-induced blood damage in rotating systems«. The aim is to tackle and discuss these problems together. Therefore, the focus of the workshop lies on the discussions, and there exists a time window of 20 minutes after every presentation for discussing problems, which were stated in every presentation. This is also in contrast to the classical conferences, like the ESAO conferences. Here, the discussions are reduced to 5 minutes, which may reduce the scientific exchange in the organizer’s opinion.
The flyer is available below: