Papers will be selected on the basis of at least two reviews of Abstracts by experts from the Scientific Committee, with additional arbitration exercised by a Papers Committee. Abstracts should be no longer than 3 pages (with typeface not smaller than 10 pt), one of which should typically contain
Presentations At ETMM, we prioritize personal interaction to foster collaboration between scientists and engineers, which remote participation cannot fully replicate. Therefore, all papers must be presented on-site by one of the authors in person. Regular Presentations Regular oral presentations
Accepted contributions will be asked to submit an extended paper for the conference proceedings. Proceedings papers will be restricted to 6 pages and will have to be produced in accordance with Word and Latex templates, which will be made available on this website. The proceedings papers will be
On our registration platform, you can also secure accommodation at the conference hotel at exclusive, specially negotiated rates and arrange additional services for accompanying guests. Registration Fees Early Registration until 30 July 2025 Late Registration after 30 July 2025 ERCOFTAC
Authors of particularly original and innovative ETMM papers will be invited after the conference to contribute an extended version as full-length journal article to a dedicated special issue in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion , a high-impact international journal published by Springer in