Organizing Committee
Stefan Hickel
(TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Maria Vittoria Salvetti
(University of Pisa, Italy)
Petros Stratis
(EasyConferences, Cyprus)
Scientific Committee
T. Bodnar (Czech Republic)
F. Capuano (Spain)
P. Cinnella (France)
A. Doan (Netherlands)
J. Fröhlich (Germany)
F. Gisbert (Spain)
S. Hickel (Netherlands)
S. Hoyas (Spain)
S. Jakirlic (Germany)
O. Flores (Spain)
B. Franzelli (France)
K. Hillewaert (Belgium)
A. Kempf (Germany)
M. Klein (Germany)
S. Kubacki (Poland)
J. Larsson (USA)
O. Lehmkuhl (Spain)
I. Marusic (Australia)
M. Meldi (France)
F. Nicoud (France)
R. Pecnik (Netherlands)
S. Pirozzoli (Italy)
H. Pitsch (Germany)
G. Ribert (France)
G. Rigas (UK)
W. Rodi (Germany)
I. Rodriguez (Spain)
O. Rodriguez (Brazil)
M. Salvetti (Italy)
P. Schmid (Saudi Arabia)
C. Silva (Portugal)
A. Soldati (Austria)
P. Spalart (USA)
D. Standingford (UK)
H. Steiner (Austria)
R. Stevens (Netherlands)
A. Tomboulides (Greece)
X. Trias (Spain)
A. Tyliszczak (Poland)
R. Verstappen (Netherlands)
L. Vervisch (France)
R. Vinuesa (Sweden)