As a research community we need to have communication channels for disseminating our work and activities. To this end, ERCOFTAC provides its community with a growing digital presence including this website, social media channels, the Knowledge Base Wiki, and the newsletter. Moreover, conferences, workshops, summer schools and courses are organized and supported, and best practice guidelines and the ERCOFTAC Bulletin are printed, but also electronically distributed. Another impactful way of communicating our research is through peer-reviewed publications. To this end, ERCOFTAC maintains a long-lasting relationship with the Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (FTaC) Journal that is published by Springer in association with ERCOFTAC.
In 1998, ERCOFTAC and the publisher Kluwer (now part of Springer) agreed to redirect the existing journal Applied Scientific Research from reporting general research results to one that focuses on research ERCOFTAC is committed to. The name of the journal was changed to reflect this and ERCOFTAC set the new aims and scope, and its members formed the first editorial board. Still today, many members of the board, authors and reviewers are affiliated with ERCOFTAC. Further, special issues of our conferences ETMM and DLES are published there. It may be good to recall that this journal welcomes the wide range of topics our community covers. What you may already know is that ground-breaking ideas “that stand for themselves” can be published in “short communications.” But what was new to me is that the journal has expanded its offerings to include “topical collections”, i.e. virtual special issues that remain open for the addition of further papers fitting the topic. This seems like an ideal vehicle for our special interest groups and the work related to them.
Regarding social media, we have recently launched a “Spotlight on Women of ERCOFTAC.” Here, an interesting link is that the latest spotlight features our SPC Deputy Chairwoman Maria Vittoria Salvetti, who also serves on the editorial board of FTaC. Thank you all for your contributions to our community and I hope to see you in one of our future events or read about your work in FTaC!
Best regards,
Prof. Dominic von Terzi
Chairman of ERCOFTAC